Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's Official . . .

My blog is on hiatus. 

I have been meaning and meaning and meaning to get back here and update you on my progress (for example, 3rd place in the Golden Gateway and 1st Place in the Emerald City Opener, how my conference went, what I'm reading and *loving* right now, etc. etc.). 

But it's time to get real.  With the Golden Heart deadline looming, work, school, and the swiftly approaching holidays (including 6 birthdays in my family - sheesh!), I don't see when I will have time to do better than I have been. 

So . . . I'm officially hanging up this blog until January 15th 2010 - at which point I will launch a WHOLE NEW, improved, and very shiny Wordpress site.  And then I'll turn over a new leaf and actually, you know . . . blog about stuff. 

So - to anyone out there who is still reading this - thank you.  Enjoy your holiday season, and see you next year! 


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