Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hiding . . .

It's been a bit since I posted anything.

My thoughts, worthy enough to share, have been rather dark lately. I didn't want to drag you down with me. It must be this dismal winter weather. Or maybe it's just that rewrites = ugh.

This just about sums up my viewpoint of late.



Nadir said...

This video is not available in your country' Dismal indeed! *snugglesmooch*

Anonymous said...

OMG! Srsly? How bad does that sucketh?! You would *totally* get what I'm talking about. Have you heard the song? *goes hunting for another link*

... this sounds like a conspiracy. *suspicious*

Nadir said...

Rly rly! It won't even give me a hint as to what it's about. *rolls eyes at censors* You fools, we are more ninja than that!

Which song is it?

Anonymous said...

So, I also embedded it. *scratches head* Does that work on your end?

Nadir said...

I see it! How very odd. Lovely song, I do like it. It's tickling my muse!

Gwen Mitchell said...


It's a metaphor on multiple levels. I got a kick out of the comments on youtube, as people try to explain it to each other. Some of them were very interesting perspectives.

To me, it's pretty much a metaphor for America's rapid rise to world power, and potential fall. All resting on the future generations - those which have been raised in an era moving at impossible speeds, and therefor completely unpredictable.

or . . . something. o.O

Nadir said...

Yeah, it does have many levels. Like a parfait. *wise nod*

Tilia said...

'This video is not available in your country or domain.' *grrrr* Stupid YouTube!

*sends some sunshine*

Scarlett Sanderson said...

I'm sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather, Gwen *hugs*

Anonymous said...

(((((((hugs))))))))), hon! Hang in there with those rewrites. And with the weather. Spring is on its way. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you! That worked!!! It was almost fifty degrees today! *happyspringtimedance*

Aaaand there are buds on my trees!

So, thanks luvs. I don't mean to be a drag!