Monday, February 9, 2009


My new (although it feels like we've been working together forever) critique partner ThommaLyn got some AWESOME news yesterday! Her novel, Mirror Blue, (which I'm in the process of devouring) is going to be published by Black Lyon, for release next Spring. I'm so super-excited for her that I had to come squee about it over here too.

Congratulations Thomma! You deserve scads of faithful readers and you're on your way!


Thomma Lyn said...

Oh Gwen, ((((((((((hugs))))))))) and another great big SQUEE!!!! Thank you so much for this sweet post. :-D And *grin*, love the fireworks!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome hon! I'm so excited for you!

Byz. said...

Wow, Congratulations Thomma Lyn. Absolutely Awesome. For you to Gwen, success rubs off on people you know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Byz! I do hope some of that luck rubs off! =P